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Homemade Potato and Cheese Pierogi Recipe


Potato and cheese pierogi are loved in Eastern European cuisine. These homemade pierogies have a yummy potato and cheese inside. The dough is simple to handle. They’re great for a filling homemade meal and don’t have meat. Let’s learn how to cook these tasty pierogi from the start.

Key Takeaways:

  • Potato and cheese pierogi are a traditional Polish dish.
  • The homemade pierogies are filled with a savory mixture of potatoes and cheese.
  • The dough for the pierogi is soft and pliable, making it easy to work with.
  • Once assembled, the pierogi can be boiled and pan-fried for added flavor.
  • Try experimenting with different fillings like mushrooms or sauerkraut.

The History of Pierogi and Its Ingredients

Pierogi are traditional dumplings from Central and Eastern Europe. Their exact birthplace is unknown, but they trace back to the 13th century. They have been a key part of Eastern European food for centuries. Today, people around the globe enjoy them.

Pierogi history

There’s a tale that pierogi came to Poland courtesy of Confucius, the Chinese philosopher. But some think Italian traders introduced them, and Poles made them popular. No matter how they arrived, pierogi became a hit in Poland. Then they spread across the region.

Pierogi are loved for their flexibility. Classic ones are filled with potato and cheese. But you can fill them with lots of things like sauerkraut, mushrooms, or sweets like fruits and jams.

Potato and cheese filling

The classic mix of mashed potatoes and cheese is a favorite. Combine boiled potatoes, farmers and cheddar cheese, caramelized onions, and some butter. This mix creates a rich, tasty filling that goes perfectly with the dough.

Pierogi dough recipe

The dough for pierogi is easy to work with. It’s made of flour, salt, water, egg, and oil. Mixed well, it forms a dough that’s smooth and elastic, perfect for wrapping around fillings.

Interested in pierogi’s history and making them yourself? Look out for the recipe and steps in the next section. You can make delicious potato and cheese pierogi at home.

Making the Pierogi Dough

We’ve learned about pierogi history and the tasty potato and cheese filling. Now, let’s start with the pierogi dough. This dough is key for making great homemade pierogi. It gives dumplings their perfect texture and shape. And don’t worry, making the dough is easy.

To make the pierogi dough, you’ll need these ingredients:

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 large egg yolk
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1/2 cup lukewarm water

These ingredients are usually found in your pantry. That makes it simple to make pierogi dough anytime you want.


  1. In a big mixing bowl, mix the flour and salt together.
  2. In another bowl, beat the egg, egg yolk, vegetable oil, and lukewarm water.
  3. Add the wet ingredients to the flour mix and stir until you have a soft dough.
  4. Knead the dough on a floured surface for about 5 minutes. It should become smooth and stretchy.
  5. Form the dough into a ball and cover it with a clean towel. Let it sit for 30 minutes. This rest time relaxes the gluten.

While the dough rests, enjoy the feel and smell of making pierogi at home. They’re way better than any you can buy.

“Homemade pierogi dough has a tender, yet slightly chewy texture that pairs perfectly with the flavorful potato and cheese filling.” – The smell in my kitchen as the dough rests is irresistible.

After resting the dough, it’s time to roll it out. Then, cut it into circles. You can use a rolling pin or a pasta machine for the right thickness. I like the dough to be about 1/16 inch thick. This makes the pierogi nicely delicate.

To cut the dough into circles, a cookie cutter or a glass works well. Aim for about 3 inches in diameter. Cut as many circles as possible, re-roll the scraps, and keep going until you’ve used all the dough.

Tips for Perfect Pierogi Dough:

  • Use flour to keep the dough from sticking to surfaces or the rolling pin.
  • Add more flour if the dough is too sticky. Do this one tablespoon at a time, until it feels right.
  • Cover the dough circles with a wet towel to stop them from drying out while you work.
  • If you’re in a rush, make the dough a day before. Keep it in the fridge, but let it warm up before using.

With your pierogi dough done, it’s time for the potato and cheese filling. Get ready to make a filling that’s super tasty!

Preparing the Potato and Cheese Filling

The potato and cheese filling is what makes pierogi so special. You start by boiling potatoes until tender. After they’re cooked, you mash them until they’re light and fluffy.

“The potato and cheese filling is the heart of the pierogi.”

Then, mix the mashed potatoes with farmers cheese, cheddar cheese, caramelized onions, and butter. This mix makes a tasty filling that’s perfect for the dough.

It’s important to balance the potatoes and cheeses right. Potatoes make it smooth and creamy. Farmers cheese adds a tangy taste. Cheddar gives a bit of sharpness. Caramelized onions bring sweetness. This combination makes the pierogi taste amazing.

After mixing everything well, your filling is ready for making pierogi.

potato and cheese filling

Tips for the Perfect Potato and Cheese Filling

  • For a creamy and fluffy texture, make sure to process the boiled potatoes through a ricer or food mill.
  • Use a combination of farmers cheese and cheddar cheese to achieve a balanced and flavorful filling.
  • Caramelize the onions slowly to bring out their natural sweetness and enhance the overall taste of the filling.
  • Don’t forget to add a touch of butter for richness and depth of flavor.

With this homemade potato and cheese filling recipe, you can make pierogi that tastes authentic and full of flavor.

Assembling and Cooking the Pierogi

It’s time to assemble and cook the pierogi once you’ve got the dough and filling ready. Here is a simple guide to follow:

  1. Roll out the dough: Take out the pierogi dough. Roll it on a surface dusted with flour. Aim for a thickness of about 1/8 inch. Use a rolling pin for evenness.
  2. Cut into circles: Next, use a round cutter or a glass to shape the dough into circles. How big you make them is up to you, but usually, 3-4 inch circles are perfect.
  3. Add the filling: Put roughly a teaspoon of the potato and cheese mix in the middle of each circle. Don’t add too much. This could make sealing them tricky.
  4. Seal the pierogi: Fold the circle in half to make a half-moon. Press the edges to seal them shut. A bit of water or egg wash can help the edges stick.
  5. Boil the pierogi: In a large pot of boiling, salted water, carefully put in the pierogi. Boil them 3-5 minutes until they rise to the top. Then, use a slotted spoon to take them out and place them on a plate.
  6. Optional: Pan-fry for added flavor: If you want, pan-fry the boiled pierogi for more taste. Put some butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add the pierogi and fry each side until golden and crispy.

Your homemade pierogi are ready to enjoy! Have them boiled or pan-fried. Serve with sour cream, fried onions, or your choice of sauce. They’re a treat!

assembling pierogi

Did You Know?

The traditional method of sealing the pierogi is by crimping the edges with a fork. This not only ensures a secure seal but also adds a decorative touch to the pierogi.

Tips and Tricks for Perfect Pierogi

Making perfect pierogi is something anyone can do with the right tips. Here are some to make sure your homemade pierogi are both tasty and authentic.

  1. Use farmers cheese or substitute with ricotta cheese for the filling: Farmers cheese makes the filling tangy. But, if you can’t find it, ricotta cheese is a great swap.
  2. Make the dough by hand if you don’t have a food processor: No food processor? No problem. You can still get amazing dough by kneading it with your hands.
  3. Don’t waste dough scraps – boil and pan-fry them with the rest of the pierogi: Keep every bit of dough. Boil and pan-fry scraps with your pierogi for an extra tasty bite.
  4. Make-ahead dough can be frozen for later use: To save cooking time, make your dough in advance and freeze it. Thaw it in the fridge before you roll it out.
  5. Freeze assembled pierogi in a single layer before transferring to a freezer bag: Avoid stickiness by freezing pierogi on a tray first. Once hard, they can be put in a freezer bag for storage.
  6. Experiment with different pierogi fillings like mushroom, meat, or sauerkraut: Potato and cheese are classic, but why not try something new? Fill your pierogi with mushroom, meat, or sauerkraut for a fun twist.

With these tips, mastering perfect pierogi is within your reach. Whether you’re new to cooking or have been doing it for years, these suggestions will make your pierogi a favorite among family and friends.


Making homemade potato and cheese pierogi is very rewarding. Soft, pliable dough pairs with rich, savory filling for a great dish. It’s perfect for family meals or pierogi-making parties.

You don’t need to buy pierogi when you can make your own. This recipe lets you enjoy authentic, homemade pierogi. Even though it takes time and effort, the result is worth it.

So, start gathering your ingredients. It’s time to make homemade pierogi. With this recipe, you can make delicious potato and cheese pierogi. Serve them hot with sour cream for a satisfying homemade meal.


What are potato and cheese pierogi?

Potato and cheese pierogi are a beloved Eastern European dumpling. They feature a tender dough filled with a mix of mashed potatoes, two kinds of cheese, caramelized onions, and butter.

How do you make the pierogi dough?

For the dough, you’ll need flour, salt, an egg and yolk, vegetable oil, and water. Mix these together to create a dough that’s soft and easy to shape.

What is the potato and cheese filling made of?

The filling combines boiled and mashed potatoes, farmers cheese, and cheddar cheese. Caramelized onions and a bit of butter add extra flavor.

How do you assemble and cook the pierogi?

Start by rolling out the dough and cutting it into circles. Put a spoonful of filling in the middle of each piece. Fold it over to make a half-moon shape.Once assembled, you can either freeze the pierogi or cook them. To cook, first boil them. Then, for added taste, fry them in butter and onions.

Can the pierogi dough and assembled pierogi be frozen?

Yes, both the dough and assembled pierogi can be frozen. Freeze them on a tray first. Then, move them to a freezer bag. This makes it easy to cook them later.

Can I use different fillings for the pierogi?

Definitely! Aside from potato and cheese, try fillings like mushrooms, meat, or sauerkraut. Experiment to find your favorite flavors.

What are some tips and tricks for making perfect pierogi?

For perfect pierogi, consider these tips:– Swap in farmers cheese or ricotta for different tastes.– Mix the dough by hand without a food processor.– Don’t throw away dough scraps. Cook them with your pierogi.– Freeze your shaped pierogi on a tray before bagging them.– Be adventurous with the fillings to find new favorites.

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