Pizza in a cone? I’m all over it!
I love to eat food on a stick because it’s fun. I love to eat ice cream in a cone vs. a bowl because it’s more fun. So when I saw that I could turn my pizza in to a cone – I was all over that! I knew the kids would think it was a cool thing to do and was I ever right! Yay for Pizza Cones!What they loved most is loading whatever toppings they wanted into them. I just made the cones with Pillsbury pizza crust, laid out the ingredients, and we had ourselves a little pizza cone party. You will need to Pizzacraft Grilled Pizza Cone Set (6-Piece). The set makes two cones at a time. To make more than just two at a time, you will need to buy more sets. I only have one set, so I had to make a few rounds of cones.Party Favor Hint:
Pizza cone sets would make a festive and awesome party favor. Have everyone come over, make pizza cones, and then send a pizza cone set home with them.
To make the cones:
- Roll out the Pillsbury pizza dough to 1/8 inch. (The dough doesn’t need to be rolled out too much. It’s almost there, as it is already thin crust.)
- Roll it out so it’s large enough in surface area for the dough cutter to fit twice.
- After cutting the Pillsbury pizza dough into the shape, remove the excess dough. (Tip: Use the extra dough to make bread sticks.)
- Moisten the edges of the dough with water and fold the dough over in half, so the edges meet. Press down on the seam with your fingers and then run the crimper along the edge to thoroughly seal the seam.
- Let the cones rest on the cutting board for 15 minutes.
- Preheat oven to 400F.
- After Pillsbury pizza dough has rested, carefully slip the dough onto the pizza cone form. Bake for 6-7 minutes or until the cone begins to brown.
- Remove from oven; let cool for 2 minutes and remove from form. Place cone into one of the pizza cone stands. Fill pizza cone with some of the toppings of your choice.
- Fill cone with Muir Glen Organic Pizza Sauce.
- Fill with cheese.
- Load on more toppings and bake until the cheese is bubbly.
- Let cool for a few minutes and enjoy!
- Fun with ‘za! Try these other creative pizza recipes.
Pizza Cones full Recipe
- 1 can refrigerated thin pizza crust
- 1 can Pizza Sauce
- 1 cup shredded pizza cheese (mozzarella and cheddar)
- 1 cup vegetables of your choice (such as mushrooms, olives, green pepper, etc.)
- 1 cup assorted meats meats (such as bacon, mini pepperoni, Canadian bacon, etc.)
- Roll out pizza dough to 1/8 inch. (The pizza dough doesn’t need to be rolled out too much, since it’s thin crust.)
- Roll it out so that it is large enough in surface area for the dough cutter to fit twice.
- After cutting the dough into shape, remove excess dough (Make bread sticks pieces out of leftover dough).
- Moisten the edges of the dough with water and fold the dough over in half, so the edges meet. Press down on the seam with your fingers and then run the crimper along the edge to thoroughly seal the seam.
- Let the cones rest on the cutting board for 15 minutes.
- Preheat oven to 400F.
- After the dough has rested, carefully slip the dough onto the pizza cone form. Bake for 6-7 minutes or until cone begins to brown.
- Remove from oven; let cool for 2 minutes and remove from form.
- Place cone into pizza cone stand. Fill with your favorite pizza ingredients, return to the oven and bake until golden bubbly. Let baked pizza cones rest for a few minutes before consuming.

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