Chocolate Bacon Almond Crunch
Bacon and chocolate are a new trend in gourmet chocolate bars, and now you can recreate this unlikely pairing at home! Semi-sweet chocolate is studded with chunks of crispy bacon and cut into small squares to make Chocolate Bacon Bark. It is important that the bacon be fried until it is crispy, because the crispy texture greatly improves the taste and texture of the final candy–soggy strips of bacon are pretty unappealing! oday I bring you the version of Ana, she has created these chocolates and bacon, but I added a personal touch. Almond crispy!
Recipe and Image by Ana For more recipes visit:
Ingredients: To do 12 chocolates
- 6 ounces of chocolate chips (semi-sweet)
- 4 or 5 slices of smoked bacon
- chocolates or bucket mold silicone
- caramelized almonds (crunchy)
PREPARATION Put the bacon well-spread sheets up two paper towels, putting up two paper towels and press slightly, introducing in the microwave (should be crispy), remove from microwave remove the paper and let cool completely. When cool grind blades with a food processor. Temper the chocolate chips by putting it in a bowl in the microwave, melt them completely. (Put your chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl and cook on high heat in 30 second intervals until the chocolate starts to melt. You can melt chocolate over a waterbath, but I prefer a microwave in this case. A small amount of water can cause your chocolate to seize and working without condensation is a little bit safer. Once it starts to melt, heat the chocolate in 10-20 second intervals, stirring in between, until it has fully melted. Dark chocolate needs to reach a temperature of between 114-120F. Milk and white chocolate need to reach a temperature between 105-113.) Almond Crunch recipe: It has 3 simple ingredients. Butter, honey and flaked almonds. Initially, the crunch was literally thrown together but, to simplify things a bit, we finally worked out amounts of each ingredient. To have a go at our Almond Crunch recipe, you will need 2 oz Butter, 2 Tablespoons Honey and about 2oz flaked Almonds. First of all the honey and butter are melted over a low heat. Then the heat is increased (you need to watch the mixture as it can overcook easily) until it starts to bubble and turn a golden brown. At this point, add the flaked almonds and combine well. Stir the mix over a moderate heat for about 2 minutes (we use silicone implements) and then turn out onto a non-stick baking sheet (or silicone paper) to cool. When cool grind blades with a food processor. There you have it… Almond Crunch
Make chocolates: Take the chosen mold and fill the holes with a thin layer of melted chocolate, throw in some crushed bacon and a little crunchy and put in the refrigerator for about two minutes for the chocolate to solidify (the rest of the chocolate we have reserved temperature), remove the chocolate from the refrigerator bases and very careful not to smudge the edges of the molds, finish filling with melted chocolate.
Another way is faster and easier mixing with melted chocolate and crunchy bacon and fill the molds directly with all the mixture at once.
Recipe and Image by Ana For more recipes visit: